Haga Castle houses has a total of conference rooms spread across four buildings. Our newly renovated conference premises are clean, functional, and equipped with modern technology. We have everything from large rooms suited for lectures or social activities to a coffee lobby and smaller group rooms.
Mälarvåningen is two floors up in the castle and two group rooms of different sizes. One is 15 square metres with room for five people, and one is 29 square metres with room for 12 people around a boardroom table. The Mälarvåningen can also be “sealed” for groups requiring privacy.
The Stable has two large conference rooms, Manegen and Vagnslidret, 130 and 98 square metres respectively, and several group rooms of various sizes. The Stable’s spacious 155 square metre lobby is perfect for other types of events, such as exhibitions, parties, or mini fairs. The lobby can also be used by groups looking to hold a secluded evening event or indoor activity. Group rooms: Spiltan, Kusken, Boxen, Landån and Hästen.
Our Falkenberg wing has excellent conference premises with a large coffee lobby and four group rooms of varying sizes: Posse, Tre rosor, Stenbock and Tott.
At the entrance level of the Natt & Dag wing is a large coffee lobby and four group rooms of between 15 and 34 square metres: Gustaf, Christina, Elisabeth and Ulrika.
Vi ingår iLyckornagruppen
Lyckornagruppen ägs av en stiftelse vars syfte är att främja vetenskapligt grundad forskning och utveckling, exempelvis inom hållbar energi.