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Since 2017, Haga Castle is operated by Lyckorna. The castle has two sister resorts, Schenström Manor outside Västerås and Fagerudd in Enköping, which also offer stays in scenic surroundings. Our ambition is for you to have the same excellent reception and a warm, familiar atmosphere regardless of which of our resorts you are visiting. Treat yourself to a special stay, welcome to Haga Castle!
Haga’s history
Haga’s first known owner was Sten Bengtsson (Bielke), who died in 1408, and who erected a stone house named Marieborg on an island where the Enköping river meets lake Mälaren.
Haga later became the property of king Karl Knutsson (Bonde). The manor was subsequently inherited by their descendants until 1836. During this time owned by the Tre Rosor, Stenbock, Natt och Dag, Mörner, Falkenberg, and Posse families.
Until 1660, Haga was a robust medieval castle. The owner at the time, Gustaf Persson Natt och Dag, was convinced by the architect Nicodemus Tessin the Elder to erect a modern castle on top of portions of the old one. The current Haga Castle was completed in 1670 and was made in the Italian renaissance style.
Save for a brief period of exception, Haga Castle has been a private residence until 1924, when the hotel and restaurant workers’ union bought the castle, turning it into a summer home for its members. In the 1940s, the castle was made into a mental hospital. After the closing of the hospital in 1962, the castle stood empty until 1984, when Diös AB bought it and began major renovation works.
In May 1990, Haga Castle opened its gates as a modern conference facility in a historic setting.
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Lyckornagruppen ägs av en stiftelse vars syfte är att främja vetenskapligt grundad forskning och utveckling, exempelvis inom hållbar energi.